the school bus.

what a novel idea! now that i live in a country where kids take trains and public taxis to school, or their own two feet, i can see what a profound invention the school bus is. i vividly remember my daily routine of walking out to the edge of my driveway, with a tiny bit of anxiety pulsing through my veins keeping me warm amidst the cool morning air. I lived near the t-junction, and i could always hear the bus before i could see it. eventually it would come cruising to a stop and ease into the right turn towards my house. I dont know why I thought the bus would drive right past me, but sometimes I would feel a bit of fear that this would happen. It was amazing to leave the quiet, familiar world of family and home, and ascend the steps of the bus into a mobile world of chaos and chatter. My bus driver was Mr Nash. I got his autograph once. He was quite a hero in my little world. He knew how to drive this big bus, he knew where all us children lived, and he never failed to get me to scho...