
Well, I've safely arrived back in my second home, Cape Town South Africa. The transition has been a teary one, offering challenges from the start that I didn't feel quite ready for. I've been sleeping so badly too, which means I'm awake throughout the night wishing for sleep, but having to wait for the jet lag to taper off. This time has provided some really sweet time with Jesus. One thing I want to express to the world through this blog is our sweet Savior's patience. I am not patient. Not at all. I expect immediate results, leaving me disappointed most of the time. I want to see "WOW" come out of everything I put my hands to. But the Lord is radically challenging my definition of "wow". I've held a very worldly standard of success for myself and my work. My expectations are quite unattainable. I live with alot of fear and frustration because of this. Have you ever felt the Lord calling you to just love and accept things exactly as they ...