2012 in review (better late than never!)

Email inbox cleaned out. Check. 2012 Journal overview. Check. Mandatory New Years FB post. Check. Blog update. Eeek. When did I go from be super-blogger to hardly ever thinking to come on here and update this once-loved world of blogging? I could put it on my new years resolutions list, to blog more...alongside my "keep in better contact with friends and family over the world, exercise, start eating better, simplify, etc" But instead, Im just going to start with this blog, today, and see where it takes us! I hope you enjoy 2012 in review... I mean, let's start with what is really most important in life: coffee. You think I'm kidding? Well, maybe I am supposed to have lots of pious and missionary-ish things to say, but coffee really is a pretty significant part of my life. It feels familiar in my hands, which helps me in life. It's warm when Cape Town winter invades my rickety, old apartment building, my Toms as Im walking to the train station, or my ...