The last few weeks of life in South Africa have been very hard. The grief has come in like a tsunami that bit me out of nowhere and left a mess behind. It started rather obviously, actually. Early one Monday morning while driving to work I saw an amazing sunrise over the Helderberg mountains. I had one of this deeply profound moment of knowing God loves me and others with the most perfect love. It was such an overwhelming feeling that I phoned Simon when I got to work to tell him about it. As I hung up the phone, a message came into my Living Grace whatsapp group, marking the first of many tragedies: --one of our dear clients had hung himself the day before, leaving his newlywed wife and their 2 month ok'd baby behind. --another client, due to become a proud father over the weekend prior had watched as his beloved gave birth to baby, blue and brain dead from malpractice at the government maternity ward they were delivering in. The baby, Caleb, died that nex...