The "WHY?" behind our upcoming move abroad

Hi friends, As I was doing the laundry yesterday, it occurred to me that not everyone I wish could come to our benefit concert will do so or be able to. I wanted so much to be able to explain to you what those in attendance tonight will hear more about, which is our decision to follow God’s “call” to Southeast Asia. When we use the word “call” to talk about things like this, we sometimes assume people know what that means. And not everyone can truly relate to that experience, so we would like to explain it a bit. Simon and I have individually been impacted by cross cultural living, and how the story of Jesus actually is very relevant across cultures. It is not an American story, not even a Western one. It is a truth that crosses cultures, geographical lines, and age old religious systems. It is as true now as it ever was, so when we say God “called” us, we literally mean that. We experienced a moment when Jesus, who is real, laid out a life before us that was too...