visual updates for all you right-brainers...

poem's sisters, all grown up and living in ocean view. L to R: mckayla, melissa, spune.
capricorn boys overlooking the burial of one of their own. RIP Mabuti.
christmas 2010.
the boys played soccer while the girls played shy.
crazy people on a crazy elevator.
penny and i went to prom as dates. they had a foam machine. this was the state of her feet after five minutes. see next photo for details.
the child is bonkers.
visiting keaton in prison (the one getting his nose pseudo-picked :) he recently was hit by a car and really struggling. pray for my little man)
on my way to simonstown via train. try to blame me for living in south africa :)
the old man who lives at beth rapha.
me and my little men: leshwin and ryan.
penny shot.
the child loves her dried meat. (it beats gas station beef jerky any day of the week, american readers).
penny's breakfast at the old biscuit mill. no wonder she l...