My Ode to Life Group.

Simon and I are blessed with an AWESOME life group through Jubilee Community Church. Simon joined this group about 3 years ago, and I followed suite once we were seriously dating. Simon and I have made life group a priority. By this I mean we do not find quick or sudden excuses to miss life group, even if we feel really tired or we have to rush on a Thursday to make it on time. Last Thursday was one of those days when we had to rush. Penny was meeting us at the mall close to where life group was happening. We needed to stop and buy a birthday gift for Simons mom, I had to work late, we didnt have a dinner plan, Simon was leading worship and needed to prepare, and before the night even began I was STRESSING...unfortunately one of my more frequent sins. So I called my friend Diana who was hosting life group that week to ask for a bit of help. She and her husband Steve ended up taking us all in and feeding us, letting Penny meet at her house, and just letting us be ...