If you look at the Smeddle calendar hanging on the wall in the kitchen, you will see lots of abbreviations. "LG" could stand for "life group" or "living grace". "Jubs" is short for our church Jubilee. "PM" will be miss Penny Marco's engagements, and for 11 weeks twice a year, our Tuesday nights will say "RG". RG is short for Redemption Groups. One of the many ministries of our beloved Jubilee, RG is a small group support model developed by a man named Mark Wilkerson, the aim of which is to get people into community where they can journey to a place of healing in various areas of their life. AND YOU THOUGHT MY LORD OF THE RINGS POST WAS RANDOM! Well, you were wrong, cause each Tuesday, Simon and I get to be the Sam to a room full of Frodo's. We get to walk with men and women out of the pain of carrying a sinful burden, into the freedom that comes as they shed the weight and receive the shalom peace of God. F...