there is this guy named curry blake. he is considered by some to be an expert on healing, and on the life of this other guy named john g lake. i had not heard either of these names until a few weeks ago. i am involved in a church here that god is really pouring his spirit out on...we've had so many great things happening and really amazing speakers come from all over the world.
so, this guy curry blake is coming to my new church in a few weeks time. here is a story from his life. it touched me, after my recent experience with the dead man on the road:

When my youngest daughter was 7 years old, she fell from a second story window onto a concrete patio. When I reached her, she was dead. I picked her up and walked around the patio saying, "In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die." This continued for over five minutes. I walked into our dining room and placed her on the floor, propping her up against a wall. She was still dead, with no heartbeat, and no breath.

My wife ran into the room in a panic. The Gift of Faith was in operation as I turned to her and said, "If you can't believe, get out." She calmed down. I knelt down in front of my daughter and continued saying, "In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die." After another 20 or 30 times of repeating this statement, my daughter suddenly expelled a strong breath, spewing blood all over my shirt. The first words she spoke to me were "Daddy, I'm hungry."

We took her to the hospital where doctor's confirmed that she had been dead for at least 45 minutes. Today, that daughter, Becky, is a born-again, Spirit-filled, missionary-minded young lady.

ps...this guy, curry blake, got run over by a car when he was a baby and it ripped his ear off his head. the doctors told his mom if he survived he would be severely handicapped. he's fine now, and coming to south africa in april!


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