P hearts Pancakes!

our home is a BIG fan of this south african recipe: banana pancakes with nutella and maple syrup! we used to make mass quantities of these, and people would flow in and out of our house for a sugar fix. we'd double the recipe and leave a heaped pile of them on the table, watching the stack dwindle as more friends dropped in. one morning, we had ten people eating pancakes! all nations were enjoying their deliciousness.
it's been a long time since we made them, so we decided this weekend to be "eat what penny loves" weekend. last night we had chinese fried rice for supper and chocolate mousse with strawberries for dessert. it would have been even more fun if penny had been here, but she missed out on her favorite meal when she went to a last-minute sleepover! so tonight we redeemed her absence with banana pancakes. we also cook up a healthy batch of nearly-burnt bacon (the streaky kind, for my south african readers) and drink glasses of milk or juice while stuffing our faces. it's a fun time together.
penny's hand here says "P hearts Pancakes!". My hand says "A hearts P."
This child is triple times as yummy as our supper ;)
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