I've fallen, and I can't read.

As my dear sweet clumsy luck would have it, Ive fallen down the stairs. Just what it took to get me to stop and rest, which is sad actually. But the worst part of it all, Im not allowed to read! Or watch TV! Or be on the computer (don't ask how this is getting typed!). The truth is, those instructions were only for the 36 hours after the fall, because I broke my fall with my head and got a mild concussion. I was really groggy and had some memory loss. I was also very overwhelmed by life all of a sudden, because I felt like I was in a fog and couldn't see the way forward. I was so thankful for people like my parents, Joe Hudson, and folks at Lanny Holmes office who just made some decisions for me and helped me accept that it was time to rest. This tells you how BAD I am at resting! At doing nothing. My idea of resting is reading a good book, or writing in my journal, or even cleaning my room and getting organized. Who knew that REST is actually when your Ridiculous Expectati...